Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year's Eve!

I have been thinking about how to present this first real entry for you all. Would like to share the course of events and catch you all up to speed. The task has seemed daunting to me as there is a lot to share I suppose-so I have put it off. I guess it is time to begin the task and then I can move forward from here! goes!

I began experiencing pain in June/July of 2008. The pain began in my lower back. It began to radiate in my right hip and leg during the night and would often wake me up. I also found it difficult to get comfortable and return to sleep. In September of 2008, I began experiencing pain in my right shoulder blade area as well as at the end of my shoulder (where my arm begins). My home remedies included ice, heat, and advil. None of these tactics brought me relief. I also began to feel extremely fatigued and would require naps for several hours-and would still be able to sleep at night. So, I decided that I needed to seek an evaluation from my primary doctor-Dr. Hassett (I really like him). I saw Dr. Hassett on Monday, October 20, 2008. Dr. Hassett informed me that it appeared that I had some left-sided weakness. Based on my history (previous cancer diagnosis), he ordered a bone scan.

On October 23, 2008 I went to the local hospital to have the bone scan done. I also had x-rays of my back, hips, and shoulders. The x-rays were all normal-which we thought was good news! The bone scan, however came back abnormal with "uptake" in 2 spots (L5 lumbar spine) and left shoulder blade. Dr. Hassett called me to share of the news. He was not convinced it was cancer so ordered a lumbar MRI. My oncologist (Dr. Barbara Shea) expressed her feeling that there was no need to worry. She did not think that the bone scan was a cause for concern. She did not even recommend that I have the MRI. On October 26, 2006 I again went to the local hospital to have the lumbar MRI done. Anxious about the results, I began calling Dr. Hassett the following day. Dr. Hassett's office did not return my calls this day. So...bright and early the next day, I began calling Dr. Hassett's office again. After several transfers, a sticky note was read to me (a sticky note that was put on my chart by Dr. Hassett). This is what the sticky note said, "I reviewed MRI results with Dr. Shea. She will take over and I will be available to provide support." After hearing this, I knew that this was not good. I immediately called to talk with Dr. Shea. She was not available and turned out she would not be available until 5+ hours later. (This seemed like an eternity to me). Dr. Shea called me at the end of the day. She shared that the MRI results came back abnormal in the L5 region. She still remained optimistic that it was not cancer, but informed me that I would need to see an orthopedic surgeon to discuss a biopsy procedure.

O.K. this is where I am going to leave off for today. I will begin here the next time I find the gumption to sit down and revisit the events of the past couple of months.

Please continue to send prayers, positive thoughts/energy, and hope our way. We believe in it all and frankly could use it more than ever!

We wish you all a Happy New Year! May it be filled with love, happiness, joy, peace, adventure, great health, and lots of laughter!


Monday, December 29, 2008

This is my first post and is just a test. My first substantive post will follow soon.