Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hope everything is well with you all.

Great news! My CA 27-29 is down to 55 as of today.

Treatment went well today but I am pretty tired and have a headache tonight.

Plan is for PET Scan and MRI in 2nd or 3rd week of June. If spot in L4 is still present or bigger the plan is for Stereotactic Radio Surgery (radiation). If the other spots are still present but the same size-we will continue to hope the hormonal therapy is effective and continue to monitor the spots for changes.

This is all for tonight. I will try to update additional news over the w/e. Life has been busy with the adjustment in the new house.

Love, peace, happiness, and great health to you all.



Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hello All,

I know that it has been awhile since I last posted. Life has been extremely busy, hectic, crazy, exhausting, and packed.

First off, we are all well and happy (for the most part).

We bought a home and moved within this past month. We have a new address-more than willing to share but not via blog-will share via private e-mail. Our # is the same.

Update on me...

CA 27-29 was down to 65 as of last week.

MRI (5/1/09) showed that spot in L4 is bigger than last MRI done in March 09. MRI also showed 2 spots in S1, Lf. Femur, and Rt. Illiac. Case presented at tumor rounds this past Wednesday (5/6). Plan is to wait another 6 weeks to see if spots get bigger or stay the same. Doctors are still hoping the hormone treatment will take care of all spots and prevent additional spots from developing. We will repeat MRI in June in addition to a PET Scan. We will continue to test CA 27-29 on a monthly basis.

Appt. at Dana Farber went fine. Dr. Lin feels that we are on the "right" track for now in terms of treatment and assessment (labs/scans).

Will share more this w/e (in btw. unpacking and getting organized in the new house).

I hope you are all well, happy, and healthy.

Have a great day!
